Have Doctors Found a Drug That Can Reverse Deafness?

earbuds djvice


earbuds djvice

Reports state that doctors have tested a new drug, code name LY411575, on mice that were given noise-induced hearing loss (we're wondering what they played to cause this), and believe that this drug could be used on humans to reverse permanent deafness caused by loud noise or infection.

News like this might cause DJs to ditch their ear plugs and get some steady health insurance!

For those who don't know, this kind of deafness is caused by the damaging of hair cells within the ear that allow us to hear. LY411575 is said to help regenerate those hairs, reversing a problem that many producers and DJs find after years of blasting music at inappropriate levels very often.

Don't go rushing to grab this miracle drug yet; like we said, these poor mice are the first test subjects, but it looks like the whole world of hearing loss in the DJ community might be turned on it's ear...


(Daily Mail)

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